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Financial Briefs – February

To effectively save money, you need to develop a financial plan based on what you want to achieve in your lifetime. Your personal goals are the foundation of your financial plan, because without clearly defined goals comes the probability of money mismanagement.

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Financial Briefs – January

Perhaps the most important move you can make for your investments is to properly diversify your portfolio. By investing in a mix of stocks, bonds, and cash, you’ll reduce the risk of a significant loss.

How you combine your diverse mix of investments is called your asset allocation.

Flying envelope with Financial Briefs Newsletter underneath.
Financial Briefs – December

In December, our newsletter discusses steps you can take to establish a savings routine, helping reach financial independence.

Flying envelope with Financial Briefs Newsletter underneath.
Financial Briefs – November

In November, our newsletter discusses steps you can take to reduce debt and work towards saving for retirement. The newsletter also provides guidance to help you pay down your mortgage.

Flying envelope with Financial Briefs Newsletter underneath.
Financial Briefs – October

In October, our newsletter discusses steps you can take to catch up on retirement savings. The newsletter also provides guidance to help you determine how much to save in your 401(k).

Flying envelope with Financial Briefs Newsletter underneath.