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Retirement Readiness Checklist

Top 4 Areas to Consider When Preparing for Retirement

Use our handy guide to ensure that you are headed toward a worry-free retirement. Have you thought of everything? Let us guide you.

Are You Ready For Retirement?

Do you know how much you will receive in Social Security benefits?
Have you decided when to take Social Security benefits?
Have you decided where you want to live?
Do you have a spending plan for retirement including health expenses?
When did you last review your life and health insurance?
When did you last update or review your will?
If you're married, is your spouse retired or planning to retire?
Have you determined how you will provide for long-term healthcare?
Have you calculated how much income you need for a comfortable retirement?
How recent did you determine your net worth?
How diversified are your assets? Check all that apply.
What will you do with your company pension plan?
Which professionals have you consulted with regarding retirement? Check all that apply.
Do you know what interests or work you will pursue in retirement?
Have you researched health, lifestyles, living arrangements, and financial aspects of retirement?
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The Retirement Readiness Quiz

Let’s take a look at what you’ve done to prepare for your retirement. There are no wrong answers, it’s just an assessment to see where you land on the path to retirement.

*Used by permission from the Forbes release of
The All-Weather Retirement Portfolio
by CEO Randy L. Thurman, CFP®.

Do you know how much you will receive in Social Security benefits?

Social Security benefits are an important consideration in retirement.

Have you decided when to take Social Security benefits?
Do you have a spending plan for retirement including health expenses?

Health expenses can be drastically higher in retirement. You will want to have a good plan in place.

When did you last review your life and health insurance?
Have you determined how you will provide for long-term healthcare?
When did you last update or review your will?

Keeping your estate plan up to date is incredibly important for you and for your heirs.

Have you calculated how much income you need for a comfortable retirement?

Determining your retirement income is critical to making sure your money lasts.

How recently did you determine your net worth?
How diversified are your assets?
Check all that apply.
What will you do with your company pension plan?
Which professionals have you consulted with regarding retirement?

Having a knowledgable team of professionals guiding you is a key to your success.

Check all that apply.
If you’re married, is your spouse retired or planning to retire?

Planning ahead for what life will look like in retirement is important to your happiness level in retirement.

Have you decided where you want to live?
Do you know what interests or work you will pursue in retirement?
Have you researched health, lifestyles, living arrangements, and financial aspects of retirement?

What to Expect from a Trusted Advisor

A financial advisor is an integral part of your retirement planning. Our President, Andrew Flinton, CFP® explains.

Why Hire a Trusted Advisor?

In our DIY world with an instruction video for just about anything at your fingertips, why would someone consider using a retirement planner? Some things, like surgery, are better left to experienced professionals.

Finding the Right Financial Advisor

How do you know if an advisor is right for you? CEO Randy L. Thurman, CFP® shares things to consider when hiring a trusted advisor.

Need some direction? Let us guide you.

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